The GRCE Tech design team has extensive experience in drive and transmission system design and development, covering traditional transmissions (MT, AMT, CVT, AT, DCT), hybrid transmissions (DHT, P2, P2.5), EV transmission (EDS) and so on. We can also provide customers with a full range of technical support in the system concept design, vehicle performance simulation, detailed design and other fields.
Worldwide attention on environmental protection, energy saving, emissions reduction and energy security is focusing the automotive industry on new energy vehicles and the electrification of the powertrain that pose new and significant challenges.
In order to meet these challenges, the GRCE Tech engineering team are continually creating new products and services to support the needs of our customers.
Ø Drive system concept development
Ø Engineering oriented detailed design
· Concept and layout
· Transmission housing
· E-motor system
· Hydraulic system
· Shaft & gear system
· Gear shift system
· Parking mechanism
· Harness & sensor system
· Wet multi disc clutch system
· Transmission, vehicle and E-motor controller
· Strategy and software
As the engineering development partner of many OEMs, GRCE Tech is involved in the research and development of various transmission systems. Many drivetrain products have been developed to the point of mass production and can be found in vehicles on the roads today. With many years of development experience, GRCE Tech can provide customers with any and all of the processes of performance improvement, concept design, system detailed design, design review, testing, verification, etc. all the way through to a complete solution.
All projects follow state-of-the-art control and quality management methodologies to shorten the development schedule and ensure the development quality.
Ø Transmission system concept development
Ø Engineering oriented detailed design
· Concept and layout
· Transmission housing
· Control unit
· Hydraulic system
· Shaft & gear system
· Gear shift system
· Parking mechanism
· Harness & sensor system
· Wet multi disc clutch system
· Strategy and software
Armed with extensive experience, GRCE Tech has provided customers with CAE analysis and optimization services most relevant to transmissions (MT/AMT/CVT/AT/DCT/EDS/DHT).
We can provide customers with a broad spectrum of technical support such as strength analysis, stiffness analysis, fatigue analysis, heat transfer analysis, sealing, modal analysis, dynamics simulation for system or sub-system, NVH and other fields. We can also provide customers with services such as dynamic and fuel economy analysis and vehicle performance simulation for traditional fuel vehicles or NEVs (EV, HEV, PHEV).
Ø Dynamics / fuel economy analysis and vehicle performance simulation
Ø Strength, stiffness, durability, sealing and modal analysis of housing assembly, differential assembly, shift system, parking system and other key components
Ø Strength, stiffness and durability analysis for shafts and gears
Ø Transmission system modeling and shaft system deflection calculation
Ø Transmission NVH analysis (TE, gear contact pattern, etc.)
Ø Dynamic analysis for sub-system
Reducing emissions and improving energy efficiency are major drivers of powertrain development. In order to make progress in these areas, optimizing the interaction of the transmission and the engine or e-motor is vital.
Calibration is about adjusting the parametrized variables in software to match the powertrain to the vehicle. Good calibration improves the driving comfort and quality of the vehicle while also reducing energy consumption. GRCE Tech is experienced in both bench calibration and in-vehicle calibration of automatic transmissions (AT/CVT/DCT/AMT) and Dedicated Hybrid Transmissions (DHT).
Ø Hydraulic system control calibration
Ø Shift quality calibration
Ø Economy and performance calibration
Ø Drivability calibration
Ø Power management calibration
Ø Torque control calibration
Ø High altitude calibration
Ø High climate calibration
Ø Cold climate calibration
GRCE Tech is experienced in the following processes that provide drive system NVH test and optimization service to our customers:
Ø NVH test and evaluation for drive system using Head system on test benches
Ø NVH test and evaluation for drive system assembled in the vehicle using Head system
Ø Drive system NVH performance optimization